Vitalik Buterin Courted to work for Google

Buterin has apparently been courted by Google according to his Twitter feed. He initially shared the Tweet but then deleted it. This makes sense that Google would want to recruit him for their own secret crypto project. Since Buterin is considered an expert in blockchain and Google wants to make its own cryptocurrency the fit may be a good one, but at what cost?
Many see Vitalik as a champion of the cryptocurrency revolution against big banks and big business. If he were to work with Google there are fears Ethereum may fall in value or that Buterin may try to harm or sabotage ETH in some way, similar to what some fear Ripple may do with XRP. Essentially Google would control ETH by proxy just as banks control XRP through partnerships. The commonality is that Google would view ETH as a rival to its own currency and banks only see value in Ripple’s network to settle payments without needing or using XRP. Google and Vitalik bv proxy may then have reason to kill off Ethereum in favour of Google’s project.