The Future Is Powered By Kinetics and Thermal Power Generation


I came across this newly developed product called Pavegen. With that said what they do is remarkable, they take every day activity with their product which in simple terms creates energy by people walking on special tiles they have created (sorry to simplify it really is much more than that) but in laymans terms it is very exciting. Imagine the green and power efficient applications nearly everywhere, especially in crowded city centers and areas things like lights and even buildings could be powered by this technology.

The one thing that will be critical is how they are able to store the and redeploy the energy generated from walking on these special tiles. If this product makes it to market I think it will revolutionize how we view and use power. It will also offer the possibility of completely “off the grid” power systems so long as there are enough people to create energy, combine that with solar and wind power and begin storing it en-mass and the possibilities are endless and most importantly brighter and greener for everywhere with the possibility of generating your own electricity (at least in part) and hopefully paying less for it.

There is also another company called Thermax which claims to generate power through heat from industrial gases. I wonder if the same application could be used for datacenters where we all know datacenters use massive amounts of power and also generate incredible amounts of heat. What if at least a percentage of this heat could be capture and turned into recyclable energy?

Areeb Soo Yasir

Business and technology have always gone hand in hand for me, and now I've built nearly 20 years of expertise. A few notable achievements: -> Tier III-Designed & deployed multiple mission critical datacenter environments in Canada, US, Hong Kong, Singapore & China. -> Software Engineering: Created a Linux OS from scratch, including a custom kernel to maintain millions of dollars in client infrastructure, deploy and report as needed. Created the “Windows Geeks” and “Password Pros” Windows Password Reset software recommended by Microsoft. -> Business Negotiations: Conducted intensive negotiations with branches of the Peoples Republic of China and the various state-run Telecom operations including China Telecom and China Unicom for access to their trillion dollar backbone infrastructure. We were the first western company to have such network access where other IT companies such as Vodafone and Google failed. -> Cloud Infrastructure Creation: Created the first proprietary “Clustered Cloud Architecture” that rivals competing Google, IBM, Microsoft & Alibaba alternatives. I'd love to chat #IT or #Linux or even #Business, so don't hesitate to connect. Cheers!

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