iPhone-X 10 Thoughts and Personal Business Review

I thought I’d put my thoughts down trying to keep up with all the new phones and technologies and put it in perspective and keep it relative for business/professional use, security, practicality and value first.
I will admit iPhone-X is exciting in terms of new features it is groundbreaking and what Apple needed at this point in time!
Apple iPhone-X’s key new features (to me)
AR (Augmented Reality)
Yes another “Reality” based feature, augmented reality has huge capabilities both practical and impractical. For example it is cool that you can literally use this phone as a ruler and drag it across the floor to do so. However would I do this if I owned one of these? No, how often would you use this feature and would you use a high-end phone in this manner? However, as some point out, it remains to be seen the adoption rate of this technology. For me it comes down to practical use and at this moment there is not a whole lot of it out there aside from gaming and social apps. If there are new groundbreaking apps that can be used practically everyday that don’t have any other efficient method then AR will take off, however if not, AR may just go the way of the old 3D Virtually Reality console by Nintendo. I personally think AR will take off but it simply depends on how long until practical apps come out. So far most of what I’m seeing is not a game changer in terms of “this AR app does something I could never possibly do without AR technology”.
Facial Recognition
Sorry but this doesn’t interest me and also scares me at the same time! Facial recognition technology is nothing new but rather new to the phone unlocking world. However is this a good idea? I don’t think so, under duress or even if you are injured or incapacitated someone can take your face and unlock your phone or use your finger for the fingerprint reader. Passwords in this aspect on their own may be safer if it is complex, secure and no one knows it.
iOS is the most efficient and fastest performing mobile OS in my opinion with the best user experience. It is a very slick interface that works extremely well. Without iOS the iPhone would not be what it is. It definitely has a wow and latest and great factor without a doubt.
iOS is closed-source and suffers from more malware and security issues than Android. It lacks the customization features that Android does.
The all glass phone sure sounds cool but the possibility of any part of the chassis breaking or cracking is a big issue, still, Apple has probably done their homework on it and made it extremely strong but the prospect of dropping a glass phone is not nice to think about!
This phone comes at a premium price but doesn’t disappoint with features or specs but this is fairly standard today, all new flagship phones are more than adequate for most users so I never worry about specs. The above is simply based on what makes the phone different to me. The iPhone 3G/3GS to me was the most groundbreaking phone in its time and I had a 3GS (and still have it today) but I do not feel the iPhone 10 is the same level of groundbreaking because there was simply nothing like it back then and today it’s not quite the case. I wouldn’t buy one for my needs in terms of business I have more concerns about security.