Edward Snowden Says Bitcoin’s Downfall Is Public Ledger
I couldn’t have said it better myself although I have said as much about all cryptocurrencies which have a public ledger. Edward Snowden made the comment at the Blockstack event in Berlin, Germany. They are completely insecure and unsuitable for personal or business use in the long-term due to a lack of privacy. There are other issues that Edward touched on such as extremely slow transaction times and many more I’ve talked about in other posts.
Snowden also predicted that a coin which fixes these various issues could be the one to replace Bitcoin. While I fully agree privacy and security in Bitcoin and most other coins are an issue, aside from that most currencies are slow, inefficient, difficult to use and simply don’t work properly to send or receive payments. This will all eventually be fixed but so far what I find is that some currencies fix one problem while ignoring the rest.