Iran Enters The Cryptocurrency Race

This is huge news following the successful pre-sale of Petro Coin (Venezuela’s 733M USD private sale!). I suspect a lot of those funds came from other states including Iran itself, China, Russia and other allies.
I believe it is no coincidence that it comes just on the heals of Petro Coin’s success.
I am very excited at these prospects even moreso than the Petro Coin. Iran has huge oil reserves and in generally is quite wealthy despite sanctions that it has faced.
When countries move positively to adopt cryptocurrency they really open a floodgate of potential trade and commerce. This could especially be the case with Iran who has a robust and developed country and economy.
With this announcement and the successful launch of Iran’s coin I believe it could be the next Singapore of the Middle East.
We’ll have to wait and see how this plays out but I wonder if there will be strong co-operation in this development with Venezuela? Could it be that both countries are vying to be the crypto-kings of their region? It very well could happen if supporting policies and development are put into place.
I would like to get my hands on some so I can see how it works, the wallets and how it’s been design. It’s an incredible time!